Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Mind Egg

There are two motivating factors. Philosophy and ability. Philosophy tells us what we might do. Ability tells us what we can do. The sister of these is… And so I laid a mind egg.

Maya stood up. She thought. And pondered. And thought better of it. Then thought once again. A thought that might take shape and blossom into an idea and maybe a reconciliation. She created a thought in her mind. She wondered.

Maya stood in the wreckage of my mind and looked around, unimpressed. Her world in ruins around her. She thought, “What am I doing here?” and then she knew. She was a whirlwind in the tornado.

“OK. Focus. Why am I here? Where am I here? And for whatever am I here?” Good questions.

Then she perceived. “I am being tortured to reconcile philosophy and ability.” The daunting task grew upon her like moss on the stones of a village well. “I’m doomed,” she said out loud. Her thoughts did not betray her.

Some time later Maya reconsidered. “If the crux of philosophy and ability lies in the arms of the animal or the spiritual soul, assuming it does, and our embrace of one or the other draws nearer to the one than to the other, then which one? Are we the animal? Or the spiritual?

Then the thinking began.

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