Sunday, November 22, 2020

Non Imputatur

Hillary Clinton presided over the destruction of Libya and a coup in Ukraine. All we heard were accusations and drawn out investigations into Benghazi until they fizzled. No accountability for war crimes.

The DNC was then caught sabotaging the campaign of Bernie Sanders to insure the ‘right’ candidate was put on the ballot. She lost anyway. All we heard were accusations and drawn out investigations into Russian meddling or something until they fizzled. No accountability for election rigging except for hand slapping one scapegoat in the DNC.

Recent polls show that 70% of republicans and 42% of democrats think this election was rigged. Years ago Jimmy Carter stated publicly that the organization he founded for overseeing elections would not do so for the US due to a number of irregularities probably best summed us as, ‘No Accountability.’ Shall we conduct lengthy investigations into Rudy Giuliani’s hair grease?

Some democracy we got here. It seems our lofty motto of governmental authority is, ‘No Accountability.’

Exactly who’s in charge, anyway?