Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Philosopher’s Night Out

Kristin and I had a nice conversation over the week she was here. It was about a number of things. Family history (God, not that!) Oh, you know this but you don’t know what happened before this. That. That happened before this and then this and then the other thing and, well, here we are at the now. I have no clue what went on before that. I kinda dropped into the whole mess right here in 1955. Sorry. Not an expert.

Although we are all experts on how we cope. What we did wrong. Or right. Or mostly bumbled our way through. And we branched out our talking to greater subjects. What’s going on in the world around us. What we can understand. What we find incomprehensible. Who’s at fault? What is happening to our greater society, our culture, our country, and our world? Lollipops and lynch mobs. Cabbages and Kings. And always coming back to our own part in the fantasy of life.

Yes. I did bad things. Yes. I did good things. So has everyone else. If only we could just talk to each other, we might see that we are not all that different. When we look out into the landscape of human weights and measurements, the good and the bad, how many of those shutterbox views are actually mirrors? What do I see is thee, and what do I see is me? Typical dorm room philosophy. But without any beer! I listened to her ideas and insights and she listened to mine. She made insightful observations about my ideas and I made them about hers. We talked. We listened. We understood. There was respect.

I think my daughter is starting to think like me.

God in heaven. Is there no forgiveness for me?

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