Friday, October 4, 2019


Reverend Paris @ParisTheRev
Is there a plague going on or what? The pews are empty! The collection plate is dusty. Hell’s not freezing over yet, you know #EternalDamnation.


John Proctor @FarmerJohnP
            Give it a rest, @ParisTheRev! Some of us have had enough of your #EternalDamnation to shake a #GoldenCandleStick at.

Francis Nurse @ResidentNiceGuy
Is it just me or does anybody else seem to not work for a living? #WorksForMe.
            Giles Corey @FlatManGiles
            Don’t rub it in. Some of us are completely swamped suing our neighbors.

Abigail Williams @WitchesFamiliar
Anybody lose a poppet? I found one last night out in the woo- I mean. Under the pew at church. While laugh-PRAYING! Praying devoutly!  

            Elizabeth Proctor @FrigidChick
            Oh, that’s mine. Must have fallen out while I was being judgmental and freezing beer with a look.

Tituba @BarbadosBabe
I can’t BELIEVE the cost of blood these days! I can’t get a drop of good Christian baby blood for love nor Satan worship! Have to use chicken again.

Ezekiel Cheever @PompousPrisonGuy
You know everybody can read this, right?

Ann Putnam @AngryGirl
Anyone seen a baby? I keep losing them!

Rebecca Nurse @BreakfastLover
            Just pop out another one, #Breeder.
            Ann Putnam @AngryGirl
            Oh, sure, Mrs. 27 children and a tribe of grandchildren.

Giles Corey @FlatManGiles
I fart on all of you…

Reverend Hale @HaleToTheRev
Finished my business in Beverly... One for the (Devil’s) book… The gravediggers will be working overtime for now… Where to next?

Judge Danforth @HearComesTheJudge
@HaleToTheRev. I can think of one place… 

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