Monday, June 22, 2020

Don Quixote

In the wake of every civilization comes its mockery. Its decay. And its devastation. Ours none the lesser. 

The parasites of culture are its critics, first honestly, then ironically, and lastly with a flag wave of peril to come and a hand wave of warning of what may be if things don’t change.

The Cassandras. The neighsayers. Those who ponder the best and the worst of us all. Those who express moderate discomfort, genuine concern, considerable pause for thought. 

Then, with dismay and horror of impending doom, followed by insanity, increasingly shrill, endless torment, and finally with desperation; the end of it all. And so Babylon the Great is fallen.

And in the end, absurdity. But absurdity with a seed of what comes next. The prophets who foretell destruction also declare rebirth. Always death, then birth. 

Let us hope so. We could use a new world of hope and the rebirth of ignorance of what has gone on in the past, the faceless time before us in our all encompassing here and now. Just like every other one who came before us. Let them dream their own dreams and tilt at their own windmills.

Let them observe their own ceremonies of ignorance. For a while. Until.

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