Friday, January 28, 2022

The Eight Stages of Russo-Punditry


Step 1. Some geopolitical/economic incident happens in the world concerning Russia.

Step 2. President Putin responds diplomatically and measured and only occasionally with force.

Step 3. His critics insist that this only proves that he is: a. Ineffective. b. A tool of Israel, Washington, Brussels, etc. c. Incompetent. d. All dance, no Cossack. e. A Yeltsin grade traitor.

Step 4. Russia bides her time, inflicts the death of a thousand cuts on her enemies, builds her armed forces, strengthens her economy, deepens her diplomatic roots, and shores up her foundations at home and abroad.

Step 5: Release the Lavrov.

Step 6. Western analysts grouse about Mackinder and Brzezinski and pontificate about the ‘Rules Breaking Order.’ Oh, and invokes the Harry Potter charm, ‘Expecto Democracy!’ Eventually it concedes.

Step 7. The western world goes down a notch on all scales.

Step 8. Some geopolitical/economic incident happens in the world concerning Russia…


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