Monday, April 15, 2019

The Sergeis

I just posted this comment to an article on Russian Insider written by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who was a part of the Reagan administration and watched the downfall of the Soviet Union. Basically, he says that Russia is naïve in trusting the west. Here’s the link.

In my limited knowledge of international politics, which I've been watching since the Kennedy Assassination (Jack, that is,) I've seen many changes. And as Steven F. Cohen has said, historians won't be able to make any meaningful assessments until years after all of the players retire and write their memoirs, governments declassify sensitive info, other insiders write their own tell-alls, etc.

So, I'm just talking through my ass. 

Having made that disclaimer, what I have noticed since the Putin era started, was a steady recovery from the 'Crazy Nineties,' as Russians refer to them today. Russia was more than circling the drain. Now they are a world leader. But always under the mantel of 'Russia wants to make nice-nice with their American and European partners/friends.' You will never hear any Russian government spokesperson make denigrating, derogatory, or insulting statements about any other government, friend or otherwise.

Until 2015

A woman I met in Russia last summer commented on this. She watches CNN and reads Der Spiegel (yes, she speaks German and impeccable English.) She expressed her disgust at Nikki Haley and how she starts every sentence with 'Russia is the enemy because...' So average Russians are a bit miffed at how they are being dissed by the West. But they still support Putin. And, yes. They have access to all of the media we have access to. Poor people.

But if you read Putin's address to the UN in September 2015, you will hear some very unaccommodating language. He only hinted and never called out the US by name, but that was fairly thinly veiled. He did say, however, that the nonsense being visited upon the world by ‘Certain Powers’ stops now. Not ‘must stop.’ Not ‘should stop.’ Not any of the handwaving, grandstanding weasel worlds like you usually get out of politicians. 

Stops! Now! 

Within a week the Russian air force was pummeling terrorists in Syria, completely turning the tables on that bit of Democracy building on the US’s part as well as completely catching the analysts at Langley off guard. That was the biggest fucking, 'We're not taking your shit anymore,' that I have ever heard. And since then Sergei Lavrov, a statesman's statesman, has been calling out the US for its brutality and the EU for the gutlessness. And it keeps getting more severe. Maria Zhakarova has had a great deal to say about the corrupt practices of the west lately. There was definitely a watershed in 2014.

I have written to Dr. Roberts expressing my puzzlement at his belief that Russia is naive to believe that the west will ever accept them as equals. I don't believe that they feel that way at all, but that they have been biding their time, growing stronger, and convincing the rest of the world that they are the better partner, at least as far as cooperation and respect is concerned, and, most importantly, as someone who will fastidiously live up to their bargains, treaties, and trade agreements.

The US has completely given up any credibility in the Mideast, yet Russia is on good diplomatic terms with Saudi Arabia, Israel, (NATO member) Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and anybody else who wishes to talk to them. And of course, they are hobnobbing with China and her monumental (multi-trillion dollar) New Silk Road, and building another gas pipeline to Germany. And dropped a couple of jets into Venezuela for good measure. I hesitate to call them under the influence of Zionism just because they continue good relations with Israel. What are they supposed to do? Create bad relations with the rest of the world like the US is foolishly doing? Russia and its leaders are not fools. They will talk to whomever will talk to them. Simple as that.

As they say in Russia, you can talk to the Sergei’s. If chief diplomat Mr. Sergei Lavrov can’t accommodate you, then you will deal with defense minister Mr. Sergei Shoigu. And there is a saying in diplomacy; Rulers, kings, and presidents come and go. The state remains. Even Putin will be gone some day, and Netanyahu, Kim Jung Un, Trump, and every other tin can leader in the world. But what we do today will come back to us tomorrow.

And, of course, there is always serendipity, mishaps, miscalculations, 'fog of war,' and myriads of other mischievous things that go bump in a military analyst’s night, or go right, for that matter, with no conscious intention or foresight. In the end it's all a crap shoot. War is hell. 

Maybe we should talk to Mr. Lavrov?

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