Thursday, August 27, 2020

Feet of Clay

Our ancestors brought their children to picnics at guiotinings. They threw stones at people in the pillory and watched witch burnings during the age of 'Enlightenment' in the 17'th century. Trafficking in humans for various practical and prurient purposes of muscle and flesh was a booming business, traded as robustly on the stock exchanges of major cities as were its products gleaned from the outcasts of society by professionals and legal courts and sold for cash in the slave markets of the filthy stalls. Food riots routinely turned into lynching and looting and an accusation was, and is, enough to condemn one to torture and death. Murderous gladiators were once rock stars and temples were erected to torture vastly exceeding those dedicated to Demeter. One of Janus’ faces is a demon. The other celebrates our enlightenment at the opera.

In the name of peace and prosperity wars are fought. In the name of freedom and self-determination nations are enslaved. In the name of culture and refinement lands are decimated. Warlords rule and poets herald their heroism.

How many stock portfolios and retirement plans are indexed by blood diamonds and apartheid regimes? There is a cruel streak just south of everyone's moral compass, cleverly occulted by our self-righteousness. What cost empire?

Nice race you’ve got there, human.

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