Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Brain Slug

The explosion in Beirut is a horrendous human tragedy that happened in a major port city of a beautiful country. Beirut has been called the Paris of the Mideast, now yet another country under scientific and systematic undermining and destruction by the American Empire in the tradition of Afghanistan, Russia (very nearly,) China (ongoing,) Serbia and Kosovo, Ukraine, Iraq, Libya, Syria (very nearly, the empire is slipping,) North Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia, and many other US ‘protectorates’ over the past 70 years. This one could have been an accident, storing tons of highly explosive fertilizer in your country’s bread box in the middle of your capital city is not a wise idea, but suspicions still lie uneasy.

The people at the reigns of the US are not We The People anymore. Anyone who criticizes US policy should be regarded as a patriot, not a traitor. Our government has been coopted by a brain slug that drives the host to self-destruct. Trump is not the cause; he is the blaring siren and flashing strobe light on the console of this great state, now slipping at the reigns. 

So the slugs have turned their regime change machines of chaos against us. There are no more Rudyard Kiplings telling Just So stories to white wash the British empire’s crimes in India. No more talk of bringing democracy to backwards countries in the name of Christianity and White Man’s Burden. In our cities today we are seeing what the rest of the world has seen for decades. Our culture, our society, our self-respect, our science, our economy, our government, our very souls-all are under siege, our citizens turned against each other.

So the slugs have turned their regime change machines of chaos against us. In our cities today we are seeing what the rest of the world has seen for decades. Our culture, our society, our self-respect, our science, our economy, our government, our very souls-all are under siege, our citizens turned against each other.

How can a household resist when the enemy controls the family room?

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